Sensual massage

Do you want to enjoy the loving touches of tantric massage, but for some reason do you not want to go through the whole intimate massage? That's why a delicate and sensitive sensual massage combines all the practices of tantric massage of the whole body, however, a tantric massage in the intimate areas is not included.

Experience an angelic touch on your body.

What you can look forward to

Massage begins same as the traditional tantric massage, with a ritual where the client is standing. When the sense of trust is established between you and the masseuse, subsequently you move to a mattress or table where the masseuse will warm you up by placing hot towels on you, and then massages you all over your body not only with her hands but also with fur and feathers, before moving to a massage with oil.

This massage removes elements of targeted massage lingam and its surrounding areas, although gentle touch is possible with agreement.

Benefit of massage

This massage will fill your needs through the loving touch of a woman's hands. At the same time, it will also energize your inner energy all over your body and bring pleasant feelings of peace and harmony to your mind.


Would you like to try more? Try Kashmir massage.

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